Rule Book
(Revised Oct. 2012)
NYB Coaches Rules – All Leagues
This section pertains to general rules that apply to all leagues.
- All Coaches - Head and Assistant - must be approved by the Board of Directors.
- A Coach may be head coach of one and only one team in the entire NYB League. Exceptions can be made with prior approval by the Board of Directors.
- Each Head Coach may have only two assistant coaches.
- Only the Head coach (1) and one (1) assistant coach are allowed on the bench during the game.
- Any coach who receives a technical foul is automatically suspended from the next game and is not allowed to sit on the bench or at the scorer's table. Any coach who receives a second technical foul during the same game will be ejected from that game and is suspended from the next game as well.
- Any Coach who resigns or quits must sit out the next complete season before applying for a coaching position again.
- The Head Coach is responsible to appoint and secure the assistant coaches, scorekeeper, and timekeeper.
- The Head Coach shall return all equipment to the League President as soon as possible after the season is over.
- When asked, the Head Coach shall help the League President carry out his/her duties as much as possible.
- No smoking, alcohol, or drugs in any school at any time.
- Each child is expected to attend practices and games. If the child cannot attend practices and games, parents are to notify the Coach (or assistant coach) prior to the scheduled time.
- No unattended brothers or sisters allowed at the practices or games.
- No jewelry, rings, or earrings may be worn during practices or games.
- If there is no school - there will be no practice or games. Saturday games following school cancelation on Friday may be permitted with the approval of the WCSC.
- The purpose of this leagues it to have fun, teach basketball, sportsmanship, and remember the goals of the NYB.
- These things need to be done at the end of each night - Pick up the trash, put the goals back, and check bathrooms, hallways, and courtyards, be sure the doors are locked, leave the gym as soon as possible.
- Each Coach will provide one (1) adult (18 and over) scorekeeper per game, will put the line up in the scorebook, and support the referees and keep the parents in control.
- Because it is impossible to project the rules or guidelines for every set of Circumstances, the final resolve of any unforeseen situation shall rest with the Board of Directors of the NYB.
Player Eligibility and Team Selection
- Players will be placed in the league according to grade in school and gender.
- The number of teams in each league will be determined by the number of registered players.
- Teams will be re-drafted each year.
- No “pulls” will be allowed. However, siblings playing in the same league will be assigned to the same team.
- Players will be rated during league tryouts. This is a short skills evaluation that will be used by coaches to draft teams as equal in composition as possible.
- Late registrations will be accepted until teams are full. Late registrants will be placed on teams by the league presidents.
- All fees must be paid and applications signed by parents or guardians prior to the first scheduled practice (unless other arrangements have been made with the League President and NYB Board).Game Rules – All Leagues
- Must Play Rule
- Each player must play at least two (2) full quarters per game. The must play rule does not apply if a team has six or less players. No player shall play more than one quarter more than another. (See Must Play Matrix)
- No substitutions are allowed during the first three (3) quarters unless due to injury or illness. The opposing coach shall choose the player to replace the injured player. This quarter will NOT count as a played quarter for the replacement player. The injured player must return to the game as soon as possible.
- During the fourth (4th) quarter free substitution is allowed provided the players have played two (2) full quarters. If the 4th quarter is the 2nd quarter for a player, that player must play the entire quarter.
- Any player may compete in an overtime period providing they did not foul out during regulation play.
- Penalty for violation of the play rule:
- Opposing coach must bring the violation to the attention of the referees.
- Player in question (upon confirmation of violation), shall be removed from the game. If this player has scored any points while playing as an ineligible player, those points shall be removed from the scoreboard and scorebook.
- Team technical foul will be assessed.
- Two free throws and the ball out.
- The intent of this rule is to allow each child to play at least one half of each game while not having more than one quarter of playing time difference between players on the same team during a game.
- If players have played at least two of the first three quarters, those players may be substituted for during the fourth quarter. Some players may be required to play the entire fourth quarter to
- meet the minimum play requirements.
- There will be a maximum of two (2) minutes between quarters and five (5) minutes for half time. Referees are authorized to reduce the time allotted at their discretion in order to keep the games on schedule.
- The overtimes are three (3) minutes.
- Each team will get two (2) time-outs per half. The time-outs will not carry over from half to half.
- Each team will get one (1) time-out in each overtime period. Time-outs will not carry over.
- In the 4th quarter with less than three (3) minutes remaining if a team is ahead by 15 points or more, the clock will continue to run.
- All Technical Fouls will count as Team Fouls.
- Teams must have at least four (4) players to start a game.
Number of |
# That Can |
# That Can |
# That Can |
Players |
Play 2 Qtrs |
Play 3 Qtrs |
Play 4 Qtrs |
10 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
9 |
7 |
2 |
0 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
7 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
6 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
5 |