The game will consist of four (4), six (6) minute quarters. Overtime 3 mins.
There will be five fouls per player.
The team will shoot bonus shots on the 7th team foul each half with 2 shots on the 10th team foul.
The ten second rule for getting the ball across the half court mark will be enforced.
There will be a five (5) second lane violation rule.
Full court pressure is not allowed. Except in 4th quarter in the last 3 minutes you can press and play zone unless a team is ahead by 15 points or more.
Defensive pressure can begin at half-court.
Each team will play a man-to-man defense.
The games will be played on ten (10) foot goals.
Game Ball Size: – 28.5
Free substitutions in the 4th quarter, (if every player has played at least two (2) full quarters) no player can play four (4) quarters.
Free-throw rebounding is as follows: The player may enter the lane once the shooter releases the ball.
Each team will provide one (1) person per game to run the clock or keep the scorebook. The game will not start until each team provides one.
Teams can double-team/ help defense once the offensive player has gotten by the original defender.
Teams are encouraged to allow every player to bring the ball up the floor during each game.
The General Rules for NYB also apply for this league.
If a rule is not covered above, we will use ISHAA rules.